2020. 3. 18. 17:31ㆍ카테고리 없음
Bohemia Interactive attempted to port to Xbox 360 but 'we couldn't get it right,' project lead Joris-Jan van 't Land, revealing that the studio's post- Arma 3 project is 'much more likely to be multiplatform.' While van t' Land told Eurogamer that Bohemia does have PS4 and Xbox One dev kits, he reiterated Bohemia's stance against porting Arma 3 to consoles. Announcing Arma 3's, the developer stated at the time that it wanted to avoid issues associated with developing a multiplatform game.He added that while a console version of Arma 3 is 'out of the scope,' the studio's next project 'is becoming much more likely to be multiplatform.' The developer will begin pre-production on the next, undecided project in 2015, according van t' Land.' We have the plans in place for that,' he told Eurogamer.
'Whatever is next ie Arma 4, I don't think a lot will happen this year in terms of pre-production. But 2015 will be the year when we need to start thinking about what's next. We don't have concrete plans at the moment.' 'I think it will be something in the franchise the next game, but we're not sure what. And the company is growing, as you've seen — many new offices — so there are more resources as well to handle multiple things.' The developer revealed that the team will continue to support Arma 3 for the next two years. Within that period, according to Bohemia, the game will receive new terrain, including one that is 'very different' to existing maps, along with possible new vehicles, weapons, mission types and multiplayer modes.Arma 3's next piece of DLC, Zeus, will allow players to control scenarios in real-time, explore unscripted events and more.
Zeus is expected to launch in the second quarter of this year for free.At launch, the game included 12 single-player missions, nine multiplayer scenarios and three faction showcases, along with drill challenges. Bohemia split the campaign into three episodes — Survive, Adapt and Win — which were released as DLC post-launch. The final episode was released March 20.For more on Arma 3, check out.
. FILTERS. COMMUNITY. OFFICIAL.is destined to sometimes go off the rails. So, the DayZ Server Files just went live.
What next?I see a lot of duplicate threads with questions that can be answered very easily. I wrote this as a comprehensive how-to guide to try and help the community to understand more about the ins and outs of the DayZ Server, and solve some common problems you might be experiencing. The formatting is poor and I've only just started getting into the new scripting files so this information is subject to change.
I am not a DayZ dev nor am I an expert, just an old Arma modder telling about what I see from what I have an understanding of. If something is incorrect in this guide please tell me and I will update it.First, a few helpful links.Helpful Links:DayZ Server Launcher - A simple batch file created to launch the server with recommended options and to monitor for crashes and restart automatically when necessary: I go over why this is necessary later on in the guide.DayZ Server Quick Setup GuideDayZ Server Documentation - from the Devs:Now let's start with some basics.Da BasicsTo be able to play on your DayZ Server, you need to be opted into the current experimental build of the game. Do this before anything else!
After you are opted into the current 0.63 build - you need to install the server files. This can be done directly from Steam, no need to download SteamCMD. Open the run dialog on your computer (Windows key + R) and type 'steam://open/console' without quotes inside of the text box.
Press enter and go into Steam and you should see your console opened. Type 'appinstall 223350' without quotes and wait for the server files to install.Once your server files have downloaded, you need to create a launch file. This can be done through Steam directly, through setting launch options - or if you prefer to have a batch file that you can launch from your desktop, you can download the Watchdog file I've provided in the Helpful Links section. Please feel free to right click-Edit before opening, batch files can be malicious and it's never a good idea to launch one without opening it in Notepad and seeing what it does first.If you'd still prefer to launch the server through Steam, here are a list of launch options that will configure your server to the default options: -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheckAt this point we're going to assume you've got your DayZ Server launched and open. As long as you're opted into the correct content branch you should be able to load and join your server and play like normal.
By default, your game will load the mission 'dayzOffline.chernarusplus', which is fine. A regular old default mission template. However, if you would like to modify things such as loot tables, spawn points, starting inventory etc, it would be a good idea to make a duplicate copy of this mission file, and rename it. I highly recommend you leave your default mission file untouched. Any modifications you make should be done in a copy of the folder, with a different title. To load your edited mission file instead of the default - go into serverDZ.cfg and scroll to the bottom, change template='dayz.chernarusPlus'; to 'yourmission.chernarusPlus'.Da Mission FileOnce you've created a duplicate mission file, open it and take a look at the file structure. You should see a folder called 'db', 13 XML files, spawnpointsplayers.bin (stores XYZ coordinates of all potential player spawn points) and a file called init.c.
Now that you have a clean mission file, you're free to start playing around with variables. Some key points to mention:init.c is where a lot of the magic happens. All of the xml files in the mission folder are simply configuration files - sending parameters to the Server so it understands how much loot to generate, how many cars to spawn, and xyz coordinates of every single object on the map, as well as other functions. These variables can be easily changed with your favorite text editor, and when changed, the server will react in kind. Here are just a few examples of variables you can change easily:events.xml'db' folder - events.xml - here you can change the minimum and maximum amount of certain entities to spawn.For example:playercustom1This entry defines the spawning behavior for the infected policeman. Notice the 'min' and 'max' values, these can be changed to your liking to increase the amount of zeds on your server - keep in mind that each and every model of infected has its own class and variables that must be changed, e.g. You have to change the min variable for InfectedPolice, InfectedFirefighter, InfectedMedic etc.
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I still don't have a full understanding of entities such as 'Loot' because both min and max values are 0. Maybe somebody else can offer insight into tweaking loot spawn amounts?' Globals.xml'globals.xml changes the values of certain game variables, such as item despawning (which is distance-based), zombie and animal counts.
The variables in the mission files are completely undocumented which means that understanding what each variable does will come down to trial and error.' Types.xml'types.xml defines the different types of loot, and contains an entry for every single entity in the game. Inside the item configurations are parameters such as 'lifetime' (likely used for the item despawning script), min quantity per map, 'cost' (not sure what this could be used for), and 'flags', which defines whether the item is counted in your cargo, whether it was a crafted item, etcHead back to the root directory. We've covered everything inside of the 'db' folder.' Cfgxxxxxxxx.xml'Now we'll take a look at the xml files in the main directory.Open up ' cfgeventspawns.xml'. This is a static list with the exact coordinates of the spawn points of various entities, heli crashes, vehicles, etc. This is useful if you want to spawn a vehicle exactly where your player is, or to make your player spawn right next to a vehicle, every time.'
Cfglimitsdefinition' and ' cfglimitsdefinitionuser' have functionality I don't entirely understand yet.' Cfgplayersspawnpoints' defines the file to pull potential spawn points from spawnpointsplayers.bin (in this instance), this can be overridden by commenting out all of the other spawn points to just one specific spot, or changing the xyz variables of each point. Useful for Battle Royale or deathmatch servers - create two different spawn points and let the players go wild on each other.' Cfgrandompresets' details the probability of an item, zombie, or other entity spawning. This is a float value that reads as a percentage to the game - e.g.
0.1 would be a 10% likelihood of that particular item spawning. Loot types are broken up by location and category, e.g.
'toolsVillage' is an array of the tools you might find in a small village, accompanied by the probability of that item spawning. You can edit the probability of military items spawning to 100% so you have guns + ammo everywhere. The probability of weapons spawning with attachments/ammo is also found here.' Cfgspawnabletypes' defines what items fit into which loot type array; 'DryBagBlack' fits into the foodVillage, toolsIndustrial and mixHunter presets, likely meaning that the black dry bag can only be found in industrial areas, villages, and 'hunting areas'.
This also defines which zombies spawn where.Any xml file starting with ' mapgroup' is defining where buildings, trees, bushes, and other structures are spawned. This has changed with the new update - and it appears a prototype alternate map is also in here, perhaps it's possible to override the mapgroup it loads by default and choose the prototype instead.Editing your player's starting inventory can be done by editing the ' init.c' file. If you open it in notepad or your favorite text editor and scroll down to the near bottom, you should see these lines of code: itemEnt = player.GetInventory.CreateInInventory('Rag');itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);itemBs.SetQuantity(4);SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = player.GetInventory.CreateInInventory('RoadFlare');itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);This code is the reason you always spawn with a rag and a flare. You can use this code to add more items to your starting inventory. I am still unclear on how to add items to your player's body (e.g. Spawn with TTSKO instead of jeans and a t-shirt) but adding items into your player's inventory can be done by duplicating the code used to create the other items, and then changing the entity name.On my server you spawn with an M4 and two Stanag mags.
I've done this by the following code: itemEnt = player.GetInventory.CreateInInventory('MagSTANAG30Rnd');itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);itemBs.SetQuantity(2); itemEnt = player.GetInventory.CreateInInventory('M4A1');itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);I'm sure this would be useful for PVP servers, by using arrays you could create a list of 'potential loadouts' and then have the script choose a random loadout for each player upon spawn - this was easy in SQF but I don't have it figured out in EnScript. Another idea for PVP: change vehicle spawns so 3-5 of every vehicle are all lined up next to each other, and limit the player spawns to two or three options, in an enclosed area. Creating additions to the map is also confirmed possible - by adding new entries to 'mapgroupcluster03' I've successfully added hangars in the middle of Cherno. You just have to find the coordinates.It's still rather unclear how adding or changing assets works - it's rather easy to edit variables but adding new script functionality I haven't managed to do much with yet. Adding new script functionality will be necessary to change things such as the map, gamemode, engine functionality (AI and etc) and other things.
In time more information will be released about the EnScript engine and what functions where.Solving Problems and General Troubleshooting:'InstanceID is not set, needs to be a 32-bit valid integer, server creation failed'Use the launcher provided above or point your server executable to serverDZ.cfg by using launch option 'config=serverDZ.cfg' Connecting failed.' Make sure you are opted into the current DayZ experimental build - stable branch clients cannot connect to 0.63 servers.' BattlEye initialization failed'Use launch option 'BEPath=yourBattleyeFolder' to fix this. In my case my parameter is 'BEPath=D:SteamLibraryDayZServerBattlEye' - make sure you are using the BattlEye files provided by the DayZServer and not the client!”How can I put my server on the community server list?Open up port 27015 on your computer.EDITED: formatting. I pulled some of the files from the Community Offline Mod of s but you can't just drag and drop the mission file - I'm pulling functions that work and making note of the syntax to update on here later. For now, you can attach a magazine and other attachments by using something to the effect ofitemEnt.GetInventory.CreateAttachment('M4RISHndgrdBlack');The thing is, you MUST update the ItemBase count or it won't spawn.
This is done like this:itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt);And should be added after every line where you're spawning something in the player's inventory.I don't use CreateInInventory for my M4, I use CreateAttachment because it seems to load the gun automatically if you spawn a mag with it. Here's that code:itemEnt.GetInventory.CreateAttachment('M4A1');itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); //updating ItemBase count againTaking the item to your hands automatically can be done like this:player.LocalTakeEntityToHands(itemEnt);You'd want to add that after the code for spawning your M4, and preferably you'd want your M4 spawning last.Setting Stamina for Players:player.GetStatStamina.Set(1000);Spawn fully geared Sedan (minus doors) at player position (new vehicle physics are EXTREMELY buggy and will either not work at all or just crash your game. Exercise caution. WARNING: DO NOT USE THESE ALL AT THE SAME TIME OR EXPECT MIRACLES, THE VEHICLES ARE BADLY BROKENVehicle Persistence does not appear to save, despite settings in xml files.Going further with this:// Spawn Sedan at Player - Sedan is terribly uncontrollable, traction is practically non-existent. Doors, trunk and hood cannot be opened unless someone is already inside the vehicle (the option does not seem to cause an update on the model).